Passion: It’s More Than A Feeling

How many of you out there have an activity that you are passionate about? Not something you like to do. Not something that just feels good. Something that brings a smile to your face just thinking about it, fills you with pride and confidence; makes you feel powerful and inspired; touches you to your very soul. What is your passion?

I have had a passion for aviation for as long as I can remember. As a child, whenever an airplane flew over the house, my head was up, trying to figure out what type of plane and airline it was. Oh, who am I kidding; I still do that now, watching the planes until they disappear in the distance, and then, before starting back with what I was doing, make sure there are no other planes to watch in the area.
In the summer of 1986 I was driving around Republic Airport in Farmingdale, watching the airplanes come and go, and as I was driving down Route 109, I saw a sign for a flight school, and decided to stop by to get more information on learning to fly. I remember stepping inside the building, and then the next thing I remember is being in the front left seat of a Piper Warrior, sitting at the end of the runway, waiting to take-off. The runway sprawled out in front of me, like thousands of pictures I had seen over the years, some of which were hanging in my room at home. This view, for me, fills me with emotion and feeling similar to what you may feel standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking across the abyss; or standing on the shore of a blue alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

The Air Traffic Controller cleared us for takeoff and Meg, my instructor looked over to me and explained what I would do, and reassured me that she would be on the controls as well to help guide me if I needed it. I pushed the throttle forward with my right hand to make the plane accelerate, held the control wheel in my left, and gently guided the plane down the runway, keeping it reasonably close to the middle of the runway. The speed built up, faster and faster, and before I knew it, on Meg’s prompt, it was time to fly, so I gently pulled back on the control column, and raised the nose of the aircraft visually to the horizon.

I could feel the air get under the wings, like the plane was being scooped up by two giant hands, lifting the aircraft skyward. I could feel myself being pressed lightly into my seat as the plane started to climb faster than my body could adjust. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the shadow of my plane falling away as we gained altitude, climbing away from the runway. I had a smile from ear-to-ear. I was flying a plane. The one thing I have dreamed about since shortly after learning to walk I was now doing. I can still picture the sights, smells, sounds, sensations, and emotions of that day so clearly, even right now as I stand here in front of you.

Flying is my passion. When I get back on the ground, I am so pumped, excited, and refreshed that, without even knowing what I was doing, my wife Chris can tell that I have been flying, just by my demeanor and attitude; it’s THAT powerful an experience. But it’s not just about how it makes me feel; it’s also about the positive state of mind it puts me in. I feel like there is nothing I can’t accomplish, and I am more motivated to do things, make decisions, and even tackle those issues I didn’t have the energy or desire to tackle just hours before. Now eventually, that feeling does wear off, usually after a few days, but what I have realized is that I have the ability, whenever I wish, to get that feeling back, just by engaging in activities that tap into my passions.

For many of us, we’ve forgotten what our passions are. Sometimes, life just takes over and we get so busy making a living that we forget to build a life. We forget what it’s like to do those things that make us feel like we’re alive and on top of the world. To do something that gives our minds and bodies the opportunity to be rejuvenated, and to put us in a state of mind that provides a fresh outlook on life and inspires us. And it’s not just about how it feels. Passion is a major driving force behind life, success, relationships, and ultimately, the very people we become.

I’ve brought a handout tonight to help you consider all of this, maybe help you find, or remind you, what your passion is. Perhaps work through some of those “barriers” that might be holding you back; barriers that keep us from doing those things we are perfectly capable of doing, or perhaps because we have just become so used to our current routine; our “box”; our comfort zone. But let me ask you, don’t you deserve to feel outstanding? Don’t you work too hard to not be able to take the time to revitalize yourself? Aren’t you worth it? You bet you are! And as I wrap this speech up tonight, let me ask you; when was the last time you did something that made you feel inspired and alive? Do you remember? What is YOUR passion, and when are you doing it next?

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